

IT in Mount Anville Primary School

In Mount Anville Primary School we have a wide range of modern IT equipment creating a vivid sensory experience for the students in our school. Teachers incorporate technology in education to gain access to a wider variety of learning resources, improve students’ skills and enhance the learning experience.

Interactive whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards can be found in every classroom, where teachers deliver dynamic, interactive lessons which encourage student engagement. The use of these interactive whiteboards ensures that teachers can accommodate all learning styles.

Chromebooks & Headphones/Microphones

The school has a class set of 30 Chromebooks where students can access the Google Classroom, practice touch typing and engage in online learning. The class set of headphones are great for listening activities, speaking exercises or simply watching educational movie clips.

Laptops/tablets and iPads

All teachers and special needs assistants have a school laptop with which to plan, collaborate and teach online lessons. In Mount Anville Primary School we use Google Workspace for Education thus providing a secure online learning environment. Some of the many Google Education Apps used by both teachers and students are Google Classroom, Meet, Docs, Slides, Calendar, Forms, Gmail, Drive and Assignments. We have found Google Education a wonderful asset when teaching both online and in the classroom.

Our school has several classroom sets of iPads. Children in junior classes engage with age appropriate technology through the use of apps and interactive activities on the iPads. As our students progress, learning becomes an active and social process incorporating the use of the green screen, microphones and apps to creatively engage in learning. We have found the use of iPads in our classes promotes a positive learning environment.

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Bee Bots

Bee bots are an exciting programmable floor robot, designed specifically for use by children. These colourful, easy to use robots teach sequencing, estimation, problem- solving, coding and improve visual spatial development. Bee Bots and the accompanying mats are a great tool to have in the classroom and our students really enjoy using and working with them.

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Inclusion through Assistive Technology

In Mount Anville Primary School we provide the opportunity for children who have difficulty with speech and writing to fully participate in lessons. Some examples of the assistive technology we have are laptops with modified software, keyboards, touchpads and audiology equipment.


Feb 17
School Closed Mid Term Break
Feb 26
Service of Light for Confirmation Candidates in Church of St. Laurence O'Toole, Kilmacud
Feb 27
Multicutural Day
Feb 28
School closed Staff Training New Primary Maths Curriculum
Mount Anville Primary School,
Lower Kilmacud Road,
County Dublin.

© 2025 Mount Anville Primary School