About The Parents Council
The Parents Council is made up of one representative from each class and a Chairperson. Our current Chairperson is Marianne Lambert. The Chairperson must have served on the council for at least one year. Each representative serves for 2 years. Nominations for new representatives are sought in June for the following September. In the case of Junior Infants, nominations are sought at the AGM in September.
When requested, the deputy Principal attends the Council meetings, thereby facilitating better communication and the Parents’ Representatives on the Board of Management are kept informed of matters discussed at the meetings.
Role Of The Parents' Council
The purpose of the Parents Council is to promote and facilitate good communication between parents, the Principal and the Board of Management. Good communication allows parents to make a valuable contribution to their children’s education.
The Parents Council, when asked, gives advice to the Principal on policy issues, matters relating to school development and also other issues that it may warrant bringing into a discussion forum.
The Council organises talks of interest to parents and also organises a number of events during the year of benefit to parents and children alike. Such events as a Second Hand Uniform Sale, First Communion ‘White Party’, Graduation Party etc.
The Parents Council encourages all parents to get involved in the life of the school and therefore always welcomes volunteers to provide support and help in its activities throughout the school year. Contact your class rep, chairperson or the school principal if you would like to get involved.
To get in touch with the Parents Council, email parents@mountanvilleprimaryschool.com