- Mount Anville Primary School is a Catholic School.
- In this school we help our pupils reach their personal best.
- In this school we treat each other fairly and with respect.
- In this school we care for each other.
- Our school is a safe and trusting place. We are a "telling" school.
- As friends - parents, teachers and pupils - we work together to make our school a happy place which allows us to feel good about ourselves.
- When our pupils leave us, we hope that they have a positive attitude to school and learning which will stay with them through their lives.
The 5 Sacred Heart Goals
- Faith
- Character
- Intellect
- Community
- Social Awareness
50 Years of the Sacred Heart Goals
This year marks 50 years of the sacred heart goals. To celebrate this special occasion, we are focusing on all 5 of the goals this year.
Mount Anville Camino
As part of the goal of Faith last year, we organised our very own Mount Anville Camino around the school grounds. At each stop on the route, we stopped to read a prayer, sing a hymn or medidate. Here is a video made by our wonderful 6th Class girls explaining the stops along the route.
The values expressed by these five goals were those which have been fundamental to Sacred Heart education since its beginnings in St. Madeleine Sophie’s day. We are linked by these goals to a Sacred Heart Network of schools which include: Sacred Heart Primary School Roscrea, Mount St. Catherine’s Primary School Armagh, St. Catherine’s College Armagh, St. Julian’s Junior & Senior Schools Malta, St.Joseph's Primary School Aberdeen and Kilgraston School Perthshire, Scotland.
Sacred Heart Network
Goal 1: A Living Faith In God
We learn about God and how to pray
Goal 2: Personal Growth In An Atmosphere Of Wise Freedom
We are all different and special. We learn to share and care.
Goal 3: A Deep Respect For Intellectual Values
We try our best to learn and become the best we can.
Goal 4: Building Of Community As A Christian Value
We work hard to build community at home and at school; locally and globally.
Goal 5: A Social Awareness Which Impels To Action
We always try to be fair. If we see something wrong we try to put it right