School Garden

School Garden

Our garden is a very important part of our school life. Children get to see part of rural life in the suburbs. They get the opportunity to plant seeds, do some weeding, add compost (which we make ourselves) and learn about the importance of crop rotation.

Every class has its own cultivation plot where a variety of vegetables and flowers are grown each year. This year we have planted potatoes and wildflowers. We have created a nectar patch in our wildlife garden, the purpose of which is to encourage butterflies to come to the garden.

We have a hardworking group of parents and staff who generously volunteer their time to help in the garden.

In the garden we have a sample of many trees that are native to Ireland around the grounds and/or in the garden. We have horse chestnuts, lime trees, cherry blossoms, willow, blackthorn and a young mountain ash.

Sensory Garden


School GardenSchool GardenSchool Garden
Oct 28
Mid Term Break
Nov 04
School re-opens after mid term break
Dec 20
School closes for Christmas Holidays
Dec 23
School Closed Christmas Holidays
Mount Anville Primary School,
Lower Kilmacud Road,
County Dublin.

© 2024 Mount Anville Primary School